You are entitled to cancel any sale concluded on this Website within 7 days after date of receipt of the Goods. In this event, please return the Goods in the same condition and packaging as originally purchased and we will refund you within a reasonable period of time. We may charge a handling fee of up to 15% in some circumstances. You may also cancel a sale where delivery is delayed beyond 30 days from the order date.

VERY IMPORTANT: The user shall be entirely responsible for all personal data stored on any Goods and Services returned in accordance of this Returns Policy. The user Warrants that prior to returning any Goods or Services, he shall make all necessary arrangements for the backing up of his personal data and expressly indemnifies C2Kit, its employees, agents and the like against any loss, claim or damage, including associated costs, which may be suffered by yourself or any third party arising through the loss of personal data. Without limiting the generality of the aforementioned, Users will additionally be required to sign the Repair Service Agreement. Were a User does not sign a Repair Service Agreement on return of Goods or Services, then a Returns Service Agreement shall be deemed to have been signed.