Fun Facts About IBM

  1. IBM was founded by Charles Ranlett Flint over a century ago, in 1911. The company was originally founded under the name ‘Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company’ or ‘CTR’.
  1. IBM is an acronym for “International Business Machines”.
  1. IBM helped land Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon after the development their System/360 mainframe which allowed for new levels of compatibility.
  1. IBM employs upwards of 435,000 people, worldwide.
  1. Thought to have created the first smartphone released in 1994 and called the Simon Personal Computer.
  1. No less than five Nobel Prize winners worked for IBM. The winners include Leo Esaki who won in 1973 for his work related to semiconductors, Gerd Bining and Heinrich Roher who won for their work related the scanning tunnelling microscope; Georg Bednorz and Alex Mueller for their research in superconductivity.
  1. IBM employees must adhere to a strict dress code. Although the rules of dress at IBM seem to have relaxed over time, in days past employees had to follow certain rules. White shirts were standard, the wearing of sports shirts was frowned upon. If fact, in the past you would have seen mostly pin-striped suits, white button downs and wing tipped shoes, when venturing into IBM’s offices.
  1. IBM developed a chess computer which was named “Deep Blue”, the world was left aghast when the computer defeated master chess player Gary Kasparov the 10th of February 1996.
  1. Employees at IBM receive incredible perks from their employers. The benefits offered by IBM cover health, income protection, a solid retirement program as well as vacation, personal and holiday plans which serve to offer employees the opportunity to pursue leisure activities.
  1. IBM’s moniker has been nicknamed “Big Blue”, officially we don’t know why but there are a number of theories.
  1. The “Think Different” slogan used by Apple is believed to have been adopted by Apple in an attempt to anger IBM executives.
  1. IBM is committed to the development of computer chips for future generations, they are said to spend upwards of 6 billion US dollars on research and development every year.
  1. IBM spent 13 years involved in the world’s longest running antitrust lawsuit.
  1. The current “8-bar” logo used by IBM was created by fabled graphic designer Paul Rand. The design is based on IMB’s innovative methods and general expertise in the industry.
  1. IBM was an early trendsetter in the “going green” revolution. The employed the “Blue Initiative” all the way back in 1971, becoming one of the firsts to develop and issue a corporate policy regarding the affairs of our environment.
  1. The health care industry has greatly benefited as a result of IBM who have continually produced innovative and revolutionary healthcare equipment such as the heart-lung machine and a brilliantly designed blood separator to aid in the treatment of patients suffering from
  1. IBM’s CPU’s (Central Power Unit) can be found inside every large scale gaming console of the modern era. This includes the Xbox360, Wii and the PS3.

At C2kit you can find a range of IBM products, such as the IBM Half High Multi-Burner Optical Drive, the IBM Short Wave Transceiver and the IBM ServeRAID M5014 SAS/SATA Controller, to name just a few. We would like to invite you to contact us via email at [email protected] or telephonically on 0861 772 774 for guidance or advice on any IBM related question. Alternatively you are welcome to come into our store for a visit, you can find us at Unit 23, Boundary Corner. Located on the corner of Boundary and Malibongwe in Kyasands, Northriding.

  1. IBM was founded by Charles Ranlett Flint over a century ago, in 1911. The company was originally founded under the name ‘Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company’ or ‘CTR’.
  1. IBM is an acronym for “International Business Machines”.
  1. IBM helped land Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon after the development their System/360 mainframe which allowed for new levels of compatibility.
  1. IBM employs upwards of 435,000 people, worldwide.
  1. Thought to have created the first smartphone released in 1994 and called the Simon Personal Computer.
  1. No less than five Nobel Prize winners worked for IBM. The winners include Leo Esaki who won in 1973 for his work related to semiconductors, Gerd Bining and Heinrich Roher who won for their work related the scanning tunnelling microscope; Georg Bednorz and Alex Mueller for their research in superconductivity.
  1. IBM employees must adhere to a strict dress code. Although the rules of dress at IBM seem to have relaxed over time, in days past employees had to follow certain rules. White shirts were standard, the wearing of sports shirts was frowned upon. If fact, in the past you would have seen mostly pin-striped suits, white button downs and wing tipped shoes, when venturing into IBM’s offices.
  1. IBM developed a chess computer which was named “Deep Blue”, the world was left aghast when the computer defeated master chess player Gary Kasparov the 10th of February 1996.
  1. Employees at IBM receive incredible perks from their employers. The benefits offered by IBM cover health, income protection, a solid retirement program as well as vacation, personal and holiday plans which serve to offer employees the opportunity to pursue leisure activities.
  1. IBM’s moniker has been nicknamed “Big Blue”, officially we don’t know why but there are a number of theories.
  1. The “Think Different” slogan used by Apple is believed to have been adopted by Apple in an attempt to anger IBM executives.
  1. IBM is committed to the development of computer chips for future generations, they are said to spend upwards of 6 billion US dollars on research and development every year.
  1. IBM spent 13 years involved in the world’s longest running antitrust lawsuit.
  1. The current “8-bar” logo used by IBM was created by fabled graphic designer Paul Rand. The design is based on IMB’s innovative methods and general expertise in the industry.
  1. IBM was an early trendsetter in the “going green” revolution. The employed the “Blue Initiative” all the way back in 1971, becoming one of the firsts to develop and issue a corporate policy regarding the affairs of our environment.
  1. The health care industry has greatly benefited as a result of IBM who have continually produced innovative and revolutionary healthcare equipment such as the heart-lung machine and a brilliantly designed blood separator to aid in the treatment of patients suffering from
  1. IBM’s CPU’s (Central Power Unit) can be found inside every large scale gaming console of the modern era. This includes the Xbox360, Wii and the PS3.

At C2kit you can find a range of IBM products, such as the IBM Half High Multi-Burner Optical Drive, the IBM Short Wave Transceiver and the IBM ServeRAID M5014 SAS/SATA Controller, to name just a few. We would like to invite you to contact us via email at [email protected] or telephonically on 0861 772 774 for guidance or advice on any IBM related question. Alternatively you are welcome to come into our store for a visit, you can find us at Unit 23, Boundary Corner. Located on the corner of Boundary and Malibongwe in Kyasands, Northriding.
